Holiday Blues or Time to Move Your Building Envelope Career?

man at desk contemplating


After another busy year, many Building Envelope employees have taken a break from work for the festive period. While this time can be a wonderful opportunity to recharge, relax, and refresh your mind, it can also push us to think more carefully about our lives and goals.

With inflation, the cost of living on the rise, and new Building Envelope job opportunities emerging in the world of hybrid working, you may start thinking about your future career while you have been relaxing on the festive break.

The question is, how do you tell the difference between a standard case of post-holiday blues and a real need to update your career?

Are you Struggling with Post-Holiday Blues?

Even in a world where countless new opportunities are emerging for candidates, it's important not to rush into a major career change. It's common to feel drained and unhappy when returning to work after a break, but this doesn't necessarily mean you hate your job.

Christmas and the holidays allow us to escape the working world's stresses and explore other passions. Returning to reality after experiencing so much freedom can be difficult.

Post-holiday blues are a normal response to leaving behind your fun-filled and carefree holiday life. The phenomenon doesn't just happen following the festive season; it's also common after a vacation and any long breaks from work.

Is it More than Holiday Blues?

Holiday Blues are an unpleasant experience affecting even the most dedicated Building Envelope employees. However, they usually disappear on their own. If you find your negative feelings linger or go deeper than simply missing your time off, there may be a more significant issue.

If you can't seem to shake the holiday blues with the strategies above, ask yourself:

• Are your concerns connected to your break?
If you're suffering from holiday blues, most of your worries about returning to work will revolve around missing your time off or struggling to get back into the flow of things when you return.
However, your concerns may be more significant if you have a real issue with your role. If you're constantly struggling with a difficult manager, feel unfulfilled in your job at any time of year, or dread the tasks you do each day, this is a sign you may need a career change.

• Do you enjoy your job?
There are positive and negative parts to any role. We all have parts of our jobs we don't enjoy as much as others. The key to ensuring career satisfaction is deciding whether the positives outweigh the negatives. If you generally enjoy what you do and don't dread work every day, you're likely in the right place. If you can't find much about the role you enjoy, you may be in the wrong position.

• Are you approaching your career goals?
A good way to determine whether you're suffering from holiday blues, or struggling in the wrong position, is to look at your career plan. Are you making progress towards your targets? Can you see room for growth in your current company, and do you know how you will take the next step? If you feel trapped and unsatisfied in your current position and you're not making any progress, you may need to look for another role.

Time for a Career Change?

If you decide post-holiday blues aren't the cause of your workplace issues, then you have a few options. You can consider speaking to your manager about ways to make your role more appealing. For instance, maybe you can change your schedule or explore the potential of hybrid and remote work.

If you can't see a way to improve your working life, the best option is to seek out a new career. Work with a specialist recruiter to define the job you want and start pursuing a professional life you'll be happy to return to after any holiday.

Next Steps to Take

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